Jeel Patel
on October 24, 2021
I know how you feel when you are working for hours to create content and you are not getting engagement.
When you google this question you will find lots of tricks & formulas. But are they working?
Yes & no.
Jeel, it's confusing. Let's clear all the things.
In this post, I am going to talk about how to create engaging content from the perspective of the audience.
First of all, you have to think like your audience.
If you are scrolling social media & suddenly stop on one post & engage with it.
Now, ask one question... Why?
You will find a few things like catchy headlines, attractive graphics. & most importantly, That post might be solving your problem.
If you are reading this that means you might have a problem related to engagement on social media & you want to know the solution. Am I right? Let me know in the comment.
Conclusion #1: First thing you have to do is define your target audience & find out the problems they are facing. Once you find the problem try to solve it.
But just finding the problem & solution will not help you to get engagement. You have to tell a story that defines a story & provides a solution.
At the beginning of the post, I write "I know how you feel..." that's the story related to you & me. Once upon a time, I faced a similar problem of engagement. You are facing it too.
That one-sentence story creates the bond between us. I am sure because you are reading this post still now.
Conclusion #2: You have to convert your problem & solution into the story.
Here's the secrete @1: Make sure you create a story that looks like a conversation between two people. This post feels like I am talking to you only.
These two things are most important. But we can not ignore the algorithm of social media.
Pay attention to this. Every social media promote the most engaging content on their platform. And we are talking about the same thing.
Here are a few secrets... (I am assuming that you have a story with a problem & solution)
1. Grab the attention of readers
> Use a catchy headline
> Use attractive & relatable graphics
2. Provide Value
3. Schedule post when your audience is active on social media
That's it.
Wait Jeel, What if I didn't get engagement after using your method?
The simple answer is an experiment. Everyone has a different targeted audience. Something that works for me might not work for you or vise versa.
I learned from different sources but few works & few didn't.
But Consistency & audience-oriented will work for sure. Yes, It will take time & effort.
Try my method and let me know it's working or not?
If you have any doubt comment below.
I forgot to tell you one important secret.
Secrete @2: Call to action. Make sure you provide CTA whenever require in the post. And yes, just provide only one CTA. Because multi-CTA will distract your audience.
That's it for today. Let me know this post added value or not in the comment section.
Have a great day,
Jeel Patel
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