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Raaj Shome
Happy Birthday Malathi 🎂💐🥳
Raaj Shome
Hi I'm Raj
I live in Delhi and I'm very grateful for this DM Community
I help business owners get to the next level.
Raaj Shome
Why send emails only DURING holidays and compete with everyone?
Do this instead:
Build up hype & sell 3/2/1 days before it.
Sell during it.
Sell after it.
Prime your customers to buy and you'll immediately... View more
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Raaj Shome
The average attention span is about 3 seconds.
Which means:
You have to spark a dopamine hit in your reader's brain as soon as possible.
How do you do that?
- Shock
- Intrigue
- Curiosity
- Polarizatio... View more
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