Gaurav Gurbaxani
on June 30, 2021
Did you get this email?
Did you know that we are exactly 50% over with 2021?
What are your plans for the second innings?
Are you planning to make it big?
Or maintain consistency?
Both, good options.
So with about 180 days left till 2022, what I like to do is break that down into two 90 day Business Sprints.
What is a business sprint? Well, it's where you commit to taking massive action on yourself and business first.
Even before you start, you need to have your action items listed out. Like, what all do you really need to start making some more sales on the Internet?
Is it, more social media?
Is it, Paid Ads?
Is it, email marketing?
Do you need a new blog?
Are video's on your list?
Are you planning a podcast?
Is your funnel setup perfectly?
So once you answer all these questions, you need to benchmark yourself. I call it the, looking in the “mirror” time.
How much is your current monthly revenue?
How much, do you want it to be? Is that realistic?
Do you have a plan to get you from Point A to Point B?
See, these may sounds like a lot of relevant questions, going through your mind. Which is great. At Least you are thinking about these things.
Can I share a secret with you?
I did not have all this stuff figured out for myself when I started. The only thing that changed my financial trajectory was discipline and routine.
Discipline and Routine. Once you have these 2 covered, you can move much faster that you think. This combined with a virtual team, you can complete your goals in ONE month as compared to SIX.
At this moment, I would like to invite you to my
5 day Mini Transformation Program.
Typically, I charge for this, though as you are tagged as a VIP subscriber, I am extending this no cost invitation to you.
In this Mini Transformation Program, you will learn about the New Digital Market Trifecta.
You will get to check out all my tools,
I will show you who to team up with,
And the exact training you need right now.
All you need to do is WAKE up and SHOW UP!
The rest of it will take care of itself.
So what say?
Are you really prepared to wake up and show up at 7am tomorrow? Reply back for the access codes.
July 1, 2021 - Is this going to be a turning point? Well I sure do hope it is for you.
If you interested and serious and committed, (all 3) then reply back typing “ISC” and I'll send you the access codes.
Let's Rock the rest of 2021 together!
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